Sunday, May 16, 2004

Mineta's Goons

That would be Norman Mineta, the head of the Transportation Safety Authority. Y'know, that group of people who are supposed to keep us safe from terrorists at the airport?

Yeah, stop snickering, I know.....

Anyways, the TSA has come out with a plan to help reduce airport lines. Yay! Isn't that special. Do you feel warm and fuzzy yet? Because as far as I'm concerned, it's all fluff and bullshit.

You want to get real about security on airlines? Then you have to let go of all the PC crap that the government is currently flooded with. You have to clear out the morons and the dead weight before you can start moving forward, and since the airport screeners are now federal employees, good luck. You need to drop all the stupid crap and baggage that the government loves to hold on to dearly. You need INTELLIGENT people working for you, not the brain-dead booger eating morons that currently occupy a large chunk of positions in the TSA.

Is that a bit harsh? God, I hope so. Because I'm here to tell you that the TSA is staffed by idiots, with the biggest idiot in the top position.

Joe Foss, WWII vet, Retired U.S.M.C., hero, Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. Gets stuck at an airport while on his way to give a speech at West Point, and is delayed for 45 minutes while the stupid idiots at the screener station try to figure out what the hell that pointy thing is and if it should be considered dangerous.

One: Retired military war heros who have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor ARE NOT TERRORISTS, YOU BRAIN-DEAD TWITS!
Two: The very fact that these snot-sucking buffoons didn't know what the hell a Congressional Medal of Honor was, or what it looked like, should have been (in my mind) reason for immediate dismissal on the grounds of severe stupidity.

Oh, and let's not forget Al Gore's experience, hmmmmm? Say what you will about him, because I sure do. Personally, I can't stand the man. I think he's one of the most boring, egostistical, elitist, overbearing, pompus fuckwads to ever disgrace the White House, but HE'S NOT A TERRORIST! You do NOT pull aside the FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and search through his briefcase not once but twice! Whoever decided that it would be a good idea to rifle through Gore's BVD's should have been fired on the spot. It'll never happen, since that buffoon is a federal employee, but that's what SHOULD have happened.

The problem isn't just with the people, though, it's with the system! Random searches? Don't work. Supposedly Gore was stopped because "it was his turn in a random search". Fine, the guy at the screening station should have recognised THE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and waved him on through. Plain and simple. "Oh, hello Mr. Gore, just come on around this way if you would." Little old ladies are not terrorists. Retired military war heros are not terrorists. Got it? The biggest problem is that in an effort to not hurt anybodies widdle feweengs, we have decided to blind ourselves, in effect. We aren't looking for the people who want to kill us. Who are those people?

Why, mostly they are Islamic males who have been to terrorist supporting countries in the past few years. That narrows it down a bit, doesn't it? Mrs. Grace Smith, the 89 year old lady from Gary, IN who bought a round-trip ticket to Orlando on her credit card two months ago is not going to post a security threat. Mr. Kalid Death-to-America Muhammad who bought a one-way ticket to Washington DC with cash at the airport the day of the flight IS a security risk. And while we should run Mrs. Smith's luggage through a screener just in case someone has messed with it, we do NOT need to make Mrs. Smith take off her shoes. We do NOT need to wand Mrs. Smith down, and we do NOT need to treat Mrs. Smith as if she's a terrorist. Because she's not. Have we ever been attacked by little old ladies? No. What's the probablility of getting attacked by geriatric female terrorists? Why, about 0.00000000000000001%, if that. The case could be made that the USA is more likely to be swallowed up by a huge volcano that erupts out in the middle of Kansas than it is to suffer an attack by 89 year old grandma terrorists. And yet there's Mrs. Smith, getting wanded and patted down. "Turn this way, keep your arms out straight please, take your shoes off and put them in this bucket." STOP WASTING OUR TIME!

As far as I'm concerned the TSA needs to either be scrapped or completely overhauled. Until then, every action they take is a band-aid on an arterial laceration.

It ain't gonna help.

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