"Does this flag make me look fat?"
Actually laughing my ass off.
lgf: British Academic Insanity Watch
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once. - Robert A. Heinlein -
Machinegun You preferred a weapon with 32% power over speed and 85% range over melee. |
You use a Machinegun. Phenomenal range and rate of fire more than make up for the lack of mobility that a full machinegun warrant. Though a machinegun lacks the punch of heavier artillery, it is still an exceedingly potent infantry weapon and can fire continuously for a long time. Your enemies will run for cover as you pepper the landscape with bullets. |
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by inurashii on Ok Cupid |
Shotgun You preferred a weapon with 58% power over speed and 74% range over melee. |
You use a Shotgun. While not the fastest gun in the west, a shotgun's raw power and ease of use make it an extremely potent weapon. Some shotguns can also be loaded with many different types of ammunition, providing a versatility many guns don't have. Choosing your shots, you fell your opponents immediately and without pause. |
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by inurashii on Ok Cupid |
County Executive Joel A. Giambra said he didn’t know how a parent could be charged with cruelty to animals and not child neglect, but the police didn’t seem to think neglect charges were warranted at the time.Sheesh.
Although private funding can enhance the public library, the majority of library funding should come from public sources.Putzes.
It started out as a typical Wednesday for Preckshot, a 49-year-old who stands about 5-foot-2 and has hearing aids in both ears. She was standing on her normal spot on Providence Road, holding her signs in support of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. For nearly four years now, this has been Preckshot?s life from about 4:15 to about 5:45 in the afternoon once a week. She started her solo troop-support effort to counteract the peace protesters who stand a couple of blocks away at the intersection of Providence and Broadway. The peaceniks hold signs that say things such as ?honk for peace? and ?end the occupation.?
They outnumber Preckshot every Wednesday, but she stands out there just the same, sometimes drawing another supporter or two to help her effort.
On this particular Wednesday - it was March 16 - her effort seemed to annoy a couple of the protesters. Not satisfied with their own peace protest, a pair of peaceniks grabbed their signs and made their way to Preckshot, who normally stands outside the Bloomers flower shop near Locust Street.
?He started taunting me and reached out and pushed on my shoulder,? Preckshot says. ?Each time he pushed, it got a little harder. When I saw his hand come at me again, I grabbed it. I felt fearful.?
As Preckshot pushed the man?s hand away, ?he slugged me right in the face,? she says.
The BBC has been plunged into an election row after it admitted equipping three hecklers with microphones and sending them into a campaign meeting addressed by Michael Howard, the Conservative Party leader.Q'uel suprise.
The Tories lodged an official protest after the hecklers, who were given the microphones by producers, were caught at a Conservative event in north-west England last week.