So, want to go on vacation? Check out this lovely list of vacation hotspots in the Democrats favorite beachfront property!
Some people may ask why this post is titled the way it is. Well, because when it comes to Castro and his brutal grip on Cuba, nobody loves a communist dictator like the Donks. Just remember, even as the Donks and Moonbats screech and gibber about "chill winds" and the like, they show unwavering support of Castro as he does things like this.
So asshats like Danny Glover and Harry Belefonte praise Castro, Baba Wawa gives him a prime time interview, and Lefties from all over America cream their jeans whenever his name is mentioned. NION organizes groups to head to Cuba and sing in the name of "peace", ignoring those people in the jails and gulags. All the while, people are trying to get off that island in anything they can float. I've watched news clips of people who's boat has sunk, the Coast Guard is there, and these poor people are throwing the Coast Guard's flotation devices back into the CG's boat. Because you see... if they make it to America's shores on their own, and climb up the beach, they can stay here. If they are picked up by somebody, they get sent back. It's no concern to them that the shore is miles away, THEY WOULD RATHER DIE THAN GO BACK TO CUBA. And yet the Left in this country loves that man. He murders, tortures, and jails anyone who disagrees with him. He locks up anyone who criticizes him. He holds that island under his thumb, grinding the life out of the population. AND THE LEFT LOVES HIM FOR IT!
People try to become what they admire. It's just human nature to try to emulate qualities that you find admirable. So you tell me why I shouldn't be worried when I see the left practically masturbating every time they see Castro's mug.
UPDATE: Oh yeah, real warrior of freedom there, eh? The next time some shit for brains babbles about Cuba's literacy rate, please hit them in the mouth as hard as you can, and then ask them what good being able to read is when you can't get any kind of information. Just remember folks, there are people in Congress who idolize Castro. Jimmah "Peanut" Carter would felch Castro in a red-hot minute if he thought it would get him in closer with the bastard. I can only deduce one thing from all of this: The brutal repression in Cuba is the way of life they want in the USA. With, of course, themselves at the helm.
Hat tip to Suburban Blight.
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