Can someone please tell me why the hell this is front page news on every newspaper in the country today? "Hundreds protest Bush visit to King tomb". Who seriously gives a damn? "Hundreds" of people will protest about anything, especially race-baiting Liberal Loonies carrying signs like "War is not the answer". If George W. revealed on MTV that we wears boxers, then the International Society for the Preservation of Briefs would stage some kind of protest over it. A protest like this is not a newsworthy story.
The sub-headline on the story says "Activists: President's policies contradict reverend's legacy". Can someome please point out to me what precisely contradicts the legacy of Martin Luther King? Has George W. proposed the legalization of lynchings or legislation that requires blacks to sit at the back of the bus? Why don't the reporters for these stories ever challenge these moobats with serious questions?
Who is it that really contradicts the legacy of Martin Luther King? Here is that legacy, summarized in one sentence: "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." The truth is, Liberals hijacked this legacy years ago, with Affirmative Action and their latest loony idea: slavery reparations. It's especially ironic, since the places in America that embrace these racist programs (i.e. Liberal College Campuses) celebrate MLK's birthday with the greatest enthusiasm.
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