Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dangerous Victims

Kevin Baker has another fan, one who has linked to his Dangerous Victims essays. If you haven't read them yourself, perhaps now would be a good time to do so.

Essay One: It's most important that all potential victims be as dangerous as they can.

Essay Two: Violence and the Social Contract.

Essay Three: Governments, Criminals, and Dangerous Victims.

Read them? Back already? Right then, on to Kevin Baker's latest fan, Hecate. (Love the name!) In her post about why she linked to those three essays, she lays out a few plain truths that the anti-gun crowd would rather forget:

I recall a friend describing a brief time when he worked in a liquor store. It was the only one in the area that had never been robbed. The store owner had a policy that anyone working there had to have a gun and carry it openly.

One evening, a carful of young urban males drove past the store repeatedly. Then they stopped for a better look. What they saw was a store clerk wearing a Smith & Wesson .357 K-frame and looking them right in the eye.

They left and never came back.

What saved my friend, and his employer's profits, was that he was a dangerous victim, not a helpless one.

While that's a powerful statement, there's another truth that she writes just one paragraph above it:

The first essay applies most closely to the surface issue here. The way to keep convenience store clerks and customers safe is not to make them as helpless as possible. Robbers aren't afraid of the police. They almost never arrive in time to stop a crime in progress. Robbers aren't afraid of the courts. They have been through that system over and over, only to wind up back on the street to commit more crimes. The only thing robbers fear is somebody with the tools, skills, and will to stop them right now.
I recall reading someone, perhaps Francis Porretto, who described how the laws are a substitute for violence. We as a society follow the laws that are laid down because the alternative is violence. Let's take theft. Horse theft, in particular. You've all heard about how a horse thief ain't good fer nuthin' but hangin', right? Why do you think that was?

Because horses were required for life in many places in the West. Stealing a man's horse meant that you were stealing his way of making a living. And in the Old West, stealing a man's living meant quite literally that he might starve. Without a code of laws in place to punish those horse thieves, what recourse would a man have? If there was no way of repairing the damage that those thieves caused, then what could you do to stop the thieves before they started?

You killed them. Period. You wreaked great violence upon the criminals who would destroy you.

With a code of laws in place, you allowed justice under those laws to replace the violence that you once took into your own hands. When you agree to live under the law, you agree to let the law replace your own vengence. Instead of hanging a horse thief, you allowed the Sheriff or his deputy to arrest the horse thief and send him to jail.

So, got all this? I haven't mixed things up too badly have I? Still with me? Good

So what happens when the law, the law that we agree to live under, does NOT give us our reparation? If we agree that the law replaces our personal violence, but the law does not address the grievances we have against the criminals who have harmed us? And have no doubt, the law in this country has been getting weaker and weaker for decades. Hell, the whole reason the death penalty is still in existence is because life in prison doesn't really mean LIFE IN PRISON. It means maybe 25 years, then parole, and that's if you don't get out earlier for good behavior. Our grievances are NOT being addressed by the law. The criminals in many cities run rampant, knowing that even if they get caught they won't be punished for their crimes.

So the law which is supposed to punish the criminals is not doing what it's supposed to do. The alternative to violence isn't working. What's left? Well, it's the first solution that the law was supposed to supplant - violence.

I strongly urge my friends to be as violent as possible. Just remember the difference between violent and protective, versus violent and predatory. The former is commendable and should be encouraged. The latter will be hunted down and killed by the former.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Target Rich Environment

I'll second Vinnie's comment - I don't know how Zombie goes and photograph's these things and still remains sane. I'd be out there with a baseball bat in one hand, and a machete in the other. It would not end nicely.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Linky Love

I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days, but I'll try to at least toss up some links that I think are worthwhile.

Cold Fury is on a roll, with posts about pro-Hamas idiots in Great Britain, and the Leftists who support them.

QandO has a video that perfectly captures a Leftist in the middle of her own personal awakening. Unfortunately, I'm of the opinion that she'll roll over and go right back to sleep. Remember Leftists, don't let reality intrude into your perfect world!

You would think that if you're famous, and you're walking on the red carpet into some event, and there are cameras all around, you would stop yourself from getting caught peeping some boobage. Well, I would think about that. I guess he didn't.

Kevin Baker recommends Gran Torino.

I. Want. One. So. Damn. Bad........ I have been wanting one ever since I borrowed my brother-in-law's. Ah well. Maybe once the finances are stable I can see if the BinL will sell it to me.

Gotta go. More later.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blagojevich impeached

I saw the news yesterday, and I watched as the Illinois House of Representatives thundered on about how he had "BETRAYED THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS!"

Uh huh. I'm sure that those Illinois Democrat American Communist Party Members really give a shit about what's good for Illinois.

Here's my take, and I'm willing to put money on it - the Illinois Communists want Blagojevich gone, and they want him gone quickly. Why? Because ANY investigation into Blagojevich will uncover evidence of THEIR criminal activity as well. The longer he's out there flapping, the bigger the chance that he'll take some of them down with him.

And he's going down. Is Tony Rezko sentenced yet? No? Wasn't he set to be sentenced a long time ago? Yes, he was. The date for his sentencing keeps getting pushed back, and pushed back, because the prosecutors know that as long as they can keep making deals with him, the more he'll keep singing. And Rezko was a buddy to Blagojevich AND The Liberal Lord and Messiah, B. Hussein Obama.

It's scaring the shit out of the Democrat American Communist Party. It's not a matter of IF they are corrupt, because they've been corrupt for years. There's not a single honest politician that comes out of Chicago, period. Doesn't happen. They want to get rid of Blagojevich before the facts start to come out about THEM.

Bank on it.

Why I own guns

Because if any pro-terrorism butt-sniffers ever throw a molotov cocktail at me, I'm ventilating them.

Funny, when you watch the video of the pro-terrorist anal warts, you notice that they're screaming "ALLAHU ACKBAR!" I'm sure that's not indicative of ANYTHING at all. Nope. No sirree.

A Summation

I wish I could post it all, but that would be stealing.

I have no gripe with those who believe there are different paths to an ideal, healthy America. I'm fairly convinced that America is no Leftist's dream, however, hence the charge of dishonesty. The smallest of children can smoke out a platitude, and I take no solace in the Left's charade that they want as I do for the nation, and western civilization as a whole. It is a bald-faced lie, built upon a shifting, unstable Sargasso Sea of prevarication.


This selfsame deceit manifests itself time and again in the Leftist philosophy. Those who cry "Peace!" the loudest are not for peace per se, they are merely the enemies of their own civilization. They cried Peace! when Reagan ousted communist thugs in Grenada, they shouted Peace! against the contras, they shouted Peace! against the Israelis in a stomach-curdling example of relativism.

One never heard, however, the cries of Peace! when the Soviets rolled into Budapest or Prague or Afghanistan, you will never hear Peace! when the Palestinians and Hezbollah reign rockets of death upon a peaceful neighbor, you will never hear Peace! when a mutant Islamist saws the head off a Daniel Pearl.

These filthy lying creatures of the darkness don't desire peace: they desire the defeat of bourgeoise western civilization, for a myriad of reasons, mostly cowardice and the economic advantage of simply being able to be a childish whiner in a society that respects and rewards the hard work and, yes, puritan ethic they are too somnambulent and lazy to aspire to. The current virulent anti-Semitism gushing through the bloodstream of the liberal establishment like a raging Marburg virus is nothing more or less than it has always been: the symptom of the craven cowardice and indolence of the pampered elite. Far easier to collaborate with the ululating Islamist decapitators than to stand tall and defend the Jews against those who brazenly boast of annihilating them. It truly takes a most rancid soul to sit in one's comfort zone and proclaim the Israelis are Nazis and SS troopers and genocidal murderers. To have descended to that level of gibberish is to have proclaimed oneself to all sane peoples that you are an insipid, unserious, dilettantish piece of human garbage, incapable of the simplest differentiation between nobility and gross savagery. I for one refuse to believe these Leftists actually believe this filth they purvey: no one in their right mind could do so. It simply must be the manifestation of the aforementioned cowardice, and the adolescent giggling of the shock-value childish.
Do yourself a favor and read all of it. The biggest problem we have in this country is that we thin Leftists can be reasoned with. They cannot. We need to stop pretending that they are anything other than the idiots who would throw open the gates of the city to the barbarians outside.

Found over at Og's place.

Side note - beware the Leftist linking to nude pictures of herself in the comments. No, really, she's throwing up links to her nude pictures. I have to ask, what kind of warped mental process makes people think they should share nude (albeit with naughty bits covered strategically) pictures of themselves with total strangers? That's like the flasher on the street who opens his trenchcoat to anyone who passes by.

If she's trying to prove that Leftists aren't right in the head, she's doing a good job.

Friday, January 09, 2009


One of the most liberal rags in the country is about to go under.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which first rolled off the presses in 1863 and has been the state's longest-publishing newspaper, is up for sale.

The newspaper's staff was called into a closed meeting today by Publisher Roger Oglesby. Present at the meeting was Hearst Newspaper President Steve Swartz, who told the newsroom that Hearst Corp. is starting a 60-day process to find a buyer.

If a buyer is not found, Swartz said, possible options include creating an all-digital operation with a greatly reduced staff, or closing its operations entirely.

In no case will Hearst continue to publish the P-I in printed form, Swartz said.

Regardless, he said, if no buyer is found, the P-I as a newspaper will not publish after the two months is up.

I know that there are people out there who say "But, if the newspapers go, it'll hurt the country!" To which I say, BULLSHIT. The Seattle P-I is one of the most biased pieces of crap I've ever had the misfortune to read. I got more information out of the Seattle Weekly when I lived in the Puget Sound area. "Oh, but we need to hear every voice!" say the fence-sitters. Again, I say BULLSHIT. The only reason to read the P-I was to find out what the enemy was planning. Period. And they do that online now, so what's the point of having to buy it in paper version?

The worthless biased media is one of the reasons this country is falling further and further into Socialism and ruin. It's the reason we have such an un-informed population. The "news"papers haven't put out NEWS in years. It's all editorials, from the front page to the Life & Entertainment section. It's not reporting, it's PROPAGANDA.

Well, you can only make so much money selling propaganda to one side of the political sphere. I hope the Seattle P-I dies a painful, horrible death, followed by the New York Times. This country would be much better off.

You know what? Let me revise my statement a little bit. The loss of an actual NEWSPAPER would be bad indeed. But the Seattle P-I isn't a newspaper any more. It's just another worthless propaganda outlet. Don't mourn it. It doesn't deserve your pity or your sympathy. It deserves to go tits-up, and disappear from the national scene. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fishheads.

This particular bit of happy news was found at Ace of Spades HQ.


While doing research on the web today I ran across a website that sells essays.
On it I found a link for "Plagiarism". Quite honestly I knew that sites like this existed. Though I hardly believe that they actually expect people to give proper credit for these essays and term papers. I just found an ironic hypocrisy in their website.

Plagiarism is an issue of great concern to high school, college and university faculty. Plagiarism is a moral, ethical, and legal issue. Plagiarism has been around for centuries, but the Internet and the subsequent proliferation of information have made the problem rampant. Plagiarism is not limited to students. Teachers, lawyers, businessmen, school administrators, politicians, reporters and other people in all walks of life plagiarize the work of others.

Plagiarism is taking someone else's work and passing it off as one's own. If you do not wish to plagiarize then all you need to do is provide proper acknowledgment or documentation when you use the work or words of others. It is just that simple.

There are a multitude of resources available on the Internet to educate students about what plagiarism is and show them strategies to prevent them from plagiarizing. Below you will find a selection of some these sources.

Plagiarism awareness sites

Thursday, January 08, 2009

We are so screwed

So now that The Liberal Lord and Messiah B. Hussein Obama has nominated someone totally and completely unqualified to be head of the CIA....

Just how long will it take for someone to hit the USA with another terrorist attack?

We know the Democrats American Communist Party won't fight back.
We know the Republican Stupid Party might, maybe, kinda sorta fight back, if the political winds are right and they can spend more government dollars.

Honestly, I think the only reason terrorists haven't hit us before now is the knowledge that President Bush would be calling in the airstrikes on any country stupid enough to do it. But know that we have a member of the defeatist surrendercrats about to take the Oval Office, that deterrent is gone.

So, how long?

The Socialist Dream, realized

Or, what a difference twenty-eight years make. Of course, the socialist indoctrination has been going on for much longer than that. The Liberal Lord and Messiah B. Hussein Obama is just the culmination of that indoctrination.

Hope and Change?

Yeah, I hope I have some change left after Congress gets done. $1.6 TRILLION in deficit spending?

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Just how lazy IS Congress, you ask?

Uncle Jay explains!

The more I learn about Congress, the more I truly believe that the only way our country can survive is to fire every last worthless bastard in Washington D.C. and start over.

Found at Gateway Pundit.

Oldie but goodie...

...and still pertinent: