Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blagojevich impeached

I saw the news yesterday, and I watched as the Illinois House of Representatives thundered on about how he had "BETRAYED THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS!"

Uh huh. I'm sure that those Illinois Democrat American Communist Party Members really give a shit about what's good for Illinois.

Here's my take, and I'm willing to put money on it - the Illinois Communists want Blagojevich gone, and they want him gone quickly. Why? Because ANY investigation into Blagojevich will uncover evidence of THEIR criminal activity as well. The longer he's out there flapping, the bigger the chance that he'll take some of them down with him.

And he's going down. Is Tony Rezko sentenced yet? No? Wasn't he set to be sentenced a long time ago? Yes, he was. The date for his sentencing keeps getting pushed back, and pushed back, because the prosecutors know that as long as they can keep making deals with him, the more he'll keep singing. And Rezko was a buddy to Blagojevich AND The Liberal Lord and Messiah, B. Hussein Obama.

It's scaring the shit out of the Democrat American Communist Party. It's not a matter of IF they are corrupt, because they've been corrupt for years. There's not a single honest politician that comes out of Chicago, period. Doesn't happen. They want to get rid of Blagojevich before the facts start to come out about THEM.

Bank on it.

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