Tuesday, January 06, 2009

And just in case

Any brain-dead fucktards drop in whining about how Israel is killing innocent little Paleswinian babies...

Bite me.

You know what that is? That's Paleswinians committing a war crime by using an ambulance to transport their terrorist buddies to shoot yet more Jewish women and children.

You know what that is? That's who sub-human pig-fuckers firing mortars from the yard of a boy's school, so that they can use children as cover for their terrorist attacks.

The anti-Semitic cult of death needs to be extinguished. If they refuse to extinguish that death cult themselves, they they themselves will need to be extinguished.

And they haven't shown any amount of self-restraint. So guess where that leaves the actual humans in this conflict?

Anyone who sides with Hamas and the Paleswinians can just go fucking choke themselves. If you actually think that Israel is the aggressor in this conflict, YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO BE ALLOWED TO STEAL MY PRECIOUS OXYGEN.

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