Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Idaho and Montana to be Freed

Idaho just got a whole lot more attractive, RD.

For many conservatives, the words "9th Circuit" mean more than just a federal appeals court in California. The words embody everything they think is wrong with liberal activism, West Coast politics and the judges who tried to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Those same conservatives think their new clout following President Bush's re-election may help put some weight behind a movement to split up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, leaving the 9th in California, creating a new 12th Circuit for neighboring Idaho, Arizona, Montana and Nevada; and a new 13th Circuit for Washington, Alaska and Oregon.
Outrageous!!! - Future of 9th Circuit Under Review

Don't miss this tidbit:

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said the ideological drive behind the proposals in both the House and Senate have made lawmakers uncomfortable. "It's obvious what is going on, the other side is very clear that this is what they are doing," Schiff told

He said he heads a caucus with Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Ill., to work, in part, on solutions to the worsening relationship between the courts and Congress. "This just makes it worse.".
Remember that name - Adam Schiff? Remember who his old lady is?


Wrong Schiff.

I was thinking about Karenna...

...the previous irrelevant daughter of a wealthy loser Senator.


Ah, well, but wrong Schiff. Karenna is married to Drew Schiff.

Her husband, Andrew “Drew” Schiff, is a physician-turned-biotech venture capitalist for a fund backed by financier George Soros. Their relative affluence allows them to live on the city’s Upper East Side, while his job gives her an entrée into the world of high finance.
Karenna Gore Schiff

I get so confused sometimes... all of these humanist millionaires named Schiff or Gore or Heinz...

And oh yeah, isn't it great that we need not see this nauseating sight anymore???

I don't know what made me think of her - probably the lingering mind picture of Dave retching so hard that he tore back muscle.

Looking back, I never really developed a hatred for John Kerry. But his old lady? Man am I glad I need not see or hear her anymore.

Does life fricking rule or what???

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