Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Hump Day

You know, I've never been told why Wednesday is Hump Day. Is it because it's the hump in the middle of the week? Is it because people are trying to overcome the boredom associated with it? Meh. My brain picks on things like that. Hump Day. Sounds pretty damn silly to me. Why not Halfway Day?

Anyways, here's a bit of news for you. I'm not covering the Recall or Ah-nuld, or Gray-out, because other people have done it better and more prolificly than I can. But, believe it or not, there IS other news going on.

For instance, Israel is sending more troops into the West Bank and Gaza. Fox News picked this story up from the AP, and some of the crap that passes for "journalism" makes me want to puke.

Qureia's success is key to efforts to salvage the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan, which foresees an end to three years of violence and a Palestinian state by 2005. It has been mired for months with neither side carrying out key requirements

Well, let's see. Isreal pulls out troops. A bus gets blown up. Isreal releases Palestinian prisoners. Who promptly blow up a restaurant. Do we see a trend here? Yes, yes we do! Little Green Footballs covers the Israel-Arab conflict much better than I can, but I do have a solution. One that will upset hoardsof people, but I think it will work.

Step 1: Pull all troops out of the West Bank and Gaza.
Step 2: Announce that the West Bank and Gaza are now PALESTINE, a seperate country with it's own leadership and rules (The Palestinian Authority, already in place), a soveriegn state in it's entirety.
Step 3: Once the next bomber goes Kablooey, declare it an act of war and invade. Take over Palestine and declare it null and void, kill Arafat and all the leaders of the PA, and stomp out all palestinian terrorists with a fury that would make God himself think twice about messing with Israel. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, all of them.

Don't just kill the terrorist leaders, carpet bomb their houses. Screw it, carpetbomb the entire block that house is in. Give warning if you want. "In 24 hours, the house of So-and-so is going to be destroyed, as well as everything around it. You have 24 hours to leave" And then, 24 hours later, level the entire area. You want to hide, Mr. Terrorist? Fine, we'll make sure you have nothing to hide behind. Make the retalliation for those terrorist attacks so horrible, so painfull, so ruthless that the palestinians will either be eradicated, or they will out the terrorists themselves. One or the other, but for every bomb that goes off on a bus, or in a pizza joint, or at a Bat Mitzvah, level an entire city block. Let the wailing of pain and suffering be the palestinians reward.

Because if it had been one of my family that died last Saturday, I would have been shooting people on Sunday. And I don't miss. If my last memory of my grandmother was her shredded body on a damn bus blown up by a palestinian, there would be palestinian bodies littering the West Bank.

Israel targets terrorist leaders. Palestinians target grandmothers and kids, mothers with babies. And people call them equal. Not a chance.

Oh, and it looks like a charter school, a military academy, is working out well. Nothing important about this, except for the fact that I think a lot of kids could use a good dose of military discipline. So I link to it.

More later. I promise

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