Monday, February 25, 2019

So the Oscars were last night

Didn't watch.  Couldn't care less.  I know that Crowder did an Oscars show, replete with mockery and drinking games, but my liver can only take so much.  I'm glad we have cultural warriors willing to take the hit.

The thing is, I stopped watching the Oscars a long time ago.  Hell, I was just out of high school, and not really into politics, and even back then I knew that the awards were crap, the show itself was crap, and the entire thing seemed like one big exercise in mutual masturbation that only half of the actual attendees seemed to care about.

Kinda like the Grammies.  When Milli Vanilli won a Grammy, I stopped caring about the entire award.  Forever.  Yeah, yeah, it was revoked when the people who apparently did too much cocaine to notice that guys with thick accents and deep voices could sing perfect English two octaves higher woke up and went "Aw, shit!".  But I didn't care anymore. The Oscars are the same way.  I used to watch a lot of movies.  It was an event for me to go to the theater and see the latest comedy, or action flick. But the Oscar for "best" movie would always go to so crappy film I had never heard of, but that all the right people (read drug addicts, pedophiles and various other creeps) in Hollywood all loved because they were drug addicts, pedophiles and various other creeps.

So yeah.  Stopped watching the Oscars long before I got political, because it was a crappy show that loved crappy movies, and I didn't think they were really worth all that much attention.  So now that all of Hollywood is "woke" and loves to tell me how much they hate me because I'm a conservative male, traditional Catholic, and mostly white?  That just gives me even more incentive to not watch a damn thing.  And I mean not watch a damn thing.  The last time I was in a movie theater was for the Second Hobbit movie.  When did that come out?  2014?  2015?  And we went because someone had given us a gift certificate for that theater chain.  The last time I actually PAID to see a movie?  I think it was Avengers Age of Ultron, at the second run theater when I was on Vacation.  Other than that?  Nope.  I don't watch the work of people who hate me.

So, I don't care who won best picture, or actor, or whatever.  And judging from what I see around the country, there's vastly more people who feel the way I do than not.


Adrienne said...

I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and it was great. It's on Amazon now for $4.99 rental.

The rest of that crap and the obnoxious people and their crappy movies? I'm not donating money to peeps who hate me.

Another thing - best song? That Shadow thingy? Horrible song. It was just a vehicle to see how load Gaga could shout. Absolutely not one memorable thing about it.

Now - I will watch Hoaxed (about fake news) by Mike Cernovich online only because Brent Regan said it was great. Not a huge Cernovich fan, but am a Brent Regan fan, so if he says it's good, well then it's good.

Ragin' Dave said...

There's a few documentaries I want to see. But other than that, I'm pretty much out of the movie-watching game. Mostly because every time I see some actor or another on screen, I remember how much they hate me and want me to die.

Piss on Hollywood.