Friday, November 02, 2018

This "caravan" of "refugees" is a Democrat-funded stunt

In case you didn't know, the "caravan" of "refugees", also known as illegal aliens invading our country, just filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C.

So, this horde of the poor 'n starvin, fleeing their war-torn, er, socialist countries, is so poor and destitute that they can file lawsuits against the President of the USA for saying that they can't come in to this country illegally.

Yeah.  Totally legit.

This is such a blatant, obvious Democrat hit job that I actually wonder if it isn't being funded by the GOP in some fashion.  I mean, this caravan of violent thugs and hoodlums (with enough wimmin and chilluns for the media to take photos of for heart-tugging action) is only reminding Americans that the Left cares more about illegal aliens than they do about actual US citizens.  Especially since actual US citizens didn't vote for Hillary, which means they must be replaced by more complacent, obedient socialist brown people who do what they're told when their betters tell them to do it.  Not like those disobedient sister-scrogging, gun-humping, bible thumping, low-sloping-forehead Jesus Freaks in flyover country, amirite?

Yeah, this entire thing is pissing me off, and what makes me even more angry is the fact that this should have been dealt with decades ago.  Close the border.  No birthright citizenship.  ENFORCE THE DAMN LAWS.  But both the GOP and the DNC had incentives to keep the massive flood of illegal aliens going into this country, and now we're dealing with the after effects of decades of importing low-education, low-skill, socialist-indoctrinated criminals who flout our laws with impunity.

Trump got where he is by first hammering America's lack of action on the border.  If Democrats actually think that this caravan of violent invaders is going to help them next Tuesday, they need to stop smoking whatever drugs they're on.  America is fed up with being told that we have to accept MS-13 gang members running unchecked across our border or else we're raaaaaaaaaaacist.  Screw that, and screw every politician who aids and abets this flood of illegal aliens into our country.

Secure the border.  BUILD THE WALL.  And cut off all Federal Funds to illegal aliens.  You don't have to deport them, you just have to cut off their flow of our money and watch them go back home.


Durfield said...

I think you meant to say “flout” the laws not “flaunt” the laws. OtherwiseI agree with everything you say.

Ragin' Dave said...

You are correct, and I've edited it. I blame the fact that I was pissed off, and only had one cup of coffee when I typed that.