Monday, August 22, 2016

The fucking shitsuckers are just rubbing our noses in it now.

Hillary Clinton takes a plane to go 20 miles from Martha's Vineyard to Nantuckett.

Hillary Clinton is very important, and she can’t be bogged down by pesky things such as boats or waiting. 
The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday.

The Democrat Party is the same group of people who endlessly wail about how GLOWBULL WARMING IS COMING AND WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!  The Democrat Party runs and controls the EPA, which forces more and more regulation down our collective throats, all for our own good don'tchaknow.  The Democrat Party is the group of people blocking the Keystone Pipeline.  The Democrat Party wants to make fossil fuels as expensive as they possibly can for us little people because fossil fuels are BAD UNGOOD EARTH-RAPING BADNESS.

And this fucking mentally diseased cunt, Hillary Fucking Clinton, takes a private plane to go TWENTY MILES.

I am going to hammer every last brain-dead communist shitwad Democrat voter who ever fucking DARES to whine and snivel to me about glowbull warming.  Those fucking hypocritical anal warts infecting the asscrack of America are voting for the very thing they claim to be against!  Fuck them all.

Gah!  I should NOT be this pissed off in the morning.

1 comment:

Francis W. Porretto said...

You know the drill, Dave. There are Those That Matter and then there's the rest of us. Those That Matter are divinely empowered to prescribe and proscribe for the rest of us, but as for their behavior? Forget it. They Matter. They're Important. In short, they are above our petty concerns. They get to break any or all the rules whenever it would provide them with the least of comforts or conveniences. Gods make rules; they don't have to abide by them. And as Quick Draw McGraw liked to say, "Don't you forget it!"