Thursday, March 06, 2008

Busy Day

Hey, I told y'all a while back that I would be busy. So today is a Linky Love day.

Curmudgeonly and Skeptical: Treason at the State Department. In better days, we would be warming up barrels of tar and plucking chickens.

Random Nuclear Strikes: They Did What? Lemmee ask you a question here - since the Leftist traitors in this country have decided to start blowing up military recruiting stations, can I now shoot them on sight and get a reward?

Personal Effects: Start Packing. The state of Kalifornia has just decided that parent's can't homeschool their children. In short, parents have no rights to their kids what so ever. The STATE just told the PARENTS that the parents have no choice, no say, no right to determine how their kids are schooled. Folks, if that doesn't scare the shit out of you, I don't know what will. The STATE has determined that the children are to be bundled off to their local publik skool indoctrination center, and the parents have to go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

It's time to start shooting people in Kalifornia. Maybe that's why Kalifornia doesn't allow it's subjects to carry guns?

Drumwaster;s Rants: ReadysetGO!
If you're a math person, try his challenge. It'll keep you up for a while.

Rachel Lucas: I bet your mom's super-glad she squirted you out. I know the type of person Ms. Lucas is writing about. I've dealt with them. And I can't say I understand them one bit.

Daily Mail: Britain's first "safe text" street. Um.... wow. Just wow. I'm trying to find the words to express just how revolting I'm finding the people who A) advocate for this kind of crap, and B) think it's just fine and dandy. Oh, I know!

brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, dodo, doltish, dopy, dotterel, dull, dumb, dummy*, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked*, half-witted*, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, irresponsible, laughable, loser*, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, short-sighted, simple, simple-minded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thickheaded, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless

Ayup, that might just begin to cover it. Seriously folks, if you are so damn (pick a word from above) that you need padding on street posts in order to protect yourself while you text, then you have no right to breed and pollute the world with your equally mentally-deficient spawn. Some people in Britain have just admitted that they are incapable of doing ANYTHING to deal with day-to-day life, and they are now nothing more than burdens on society, retards that have to be kept away from hot stoves and open second-story windows, dolts and dimwits that cause more problems for everyone else with an IQ over 30 or so. Break out the straitjackets and padded romper-rooms, because we're going to need them.

Or better yet, remove the damn protection and let these mind-numbingly stupid people kill themselves! Let's make stupidity painful again! A friend of the Mrs. and I had a plan to kill off the stupid people who do nothing but make life difficult for everyone else. Remove all the safety tags off of everything. That sign at the gas station that says not to drink gasoline? Take it off. Put up a sign that reads "TASTES GREAT ON CORNFLAKES". And once that wave of idiots dies off, we'll remove another safety sign to kill off the next wave. If you're too stupid to realize that blow-drying your hair in the bathtub is a bad idea, then maybe you need to die off and let the intelligent people take over, m'kay?

Or we'll just take the padding off of the street posts in London, and watch the mouth-breaking morons break themselves. At least it'll be good for a laugh or two, until you realize that without the benefit of medical castration, these poltroons and parasites are breeding.

Lord, that's a scary thought.

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