Saturday, March 08, 2008

And more anti-military crap

I know it's not the water in California, because I've met plenty of sane people from that state. But there seems to be an infestation of shitheads that keeps on growing, and I'm wondering how to keep the infection from spreading to the rest of the country.

In denying the Royal High School student delayed entry into the Marine Corps, Children's Court Commissioner Marilyn Mackel reportedly told Sage and a recruiter that she didn't approve of the Iraq war, didn't trust recruiters and didn't support the military.

"The judge said she didn't support the Iraq war for any reason why we're over there," said Marine recruiter Sgt. Guillermo Medrano of the Simi Valley USMC recruiting office.

"She just said all recruiters were the same - that they `all tap dance and tell me what I want to hear.' She said she didn't want him to fight in it."

Things like this are why the government needs to have as little power as possible.

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