Monday, April 10, 2023

The parasitic shitbags in the Biden junta cancelled priests at Bethesda/Walter Reed during Holy Week

 Well....  par for the course with those anti-American cumstains.

Many people are aware that this past week was Holy Week, and that it’s the most sacred of times for Christians every year. The week includes Palm Sunday, Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem; Maundy (or Holy) Thursday, when the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper took place; and Good Friday, Jesus Christ’s crucifixion—all of which lead up to the celebration of his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

That’s why it’s mystifying that anyone would think canceling the pastoral care contract for a Catholic archdiocese was a good idea… just days before Holy Week starts. But that’s what the Archdiocese For The Military Services says Walter Reed National Medical Military Medical Center just did.

In a press release, the organization explains that administrators at Walter Reed sent a cease and desist order to Holy Name College, “a community of Franciscan Catholic priests and brothers, who have provided pastoral care to service members and veterans at Walter Reed for nearly two decades.”

The administrators in question need to be fired.  Now.  Not tomorrow, not next week, NOW.  And anyone who supports those administrators needs to be fired as well.  Hell, fire anyone who had anything to do with this goat-rope bullshit.  

Why the fuck can't people in this government understand the 1st Amendment?  Or any of the Constitution for that matter?  Chaplains exist to perform or provide religious services to those who need them.  And unless Walter Reed is shipping the Catholic patients out for services, I really don't see how they can claim that they're providing pastoral care to those patients.

I'm just in a "Put their heads on pikes and let the crows feast" type of mood lately.  This shit doesn't help.

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