Thursday, April 13, 2023

Mark Milley isn't just an incompetent, clueless, narcissistic piece of shit,

 He's disconnected from reality.

We have long documented the total lack of hard-nosed military leadership of Army General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on topics ranging from his embrace of CRT and DEI initiativems, to his unqualified support for giving away a third of our critical front-line anti-tank and anti-air missile systems, to his presiding over a major military recruiting crisis due to his own embrace of wokeness and COVID vaccine mandates:


We’re not the only ones who have noticed.

Mark Milley was retained as CJCOS precisely because he would do the maximum damage to the US military, thus furthering China's (Joe Biden's puppet masters) goals.  In a time when we need actual leadership, we get this clueless fucking cunt.  If Mark Milley had any decency, he would suck-start a shotgun, but only after he removed that walking piece of shit Lloyd Austin from the earth as penance for his sins.

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