Monday, April 10, 2023

And speaking of pathetic shitstains

 General "DID YOU ASSUME MY GENDER" Milley says he'll shut down Drag Queen Story Hour on military bases.

Question 1:  Why the fuck was it happening in the first place.

Question 2:  Why won't that worthless fucking piece of shit Lloyd Austin admit they're happening?

I've personally know multiple people who have had interactions with that slimy bigoted racist piece of shit Lloyd Austin when he was still in the Army.  None of them have anything good to say about him.  Which makes sense, given that the only reason he got the job was because he's a kool-aide guzzling tool who can toe the party line.  There's not a single positive attribute that he possesses, much less any attributes that would make him fit to lead the nation's military.  He should have never made it to the rank he did, and the only reason he did was because he played the racial politics game.  Because he's a fucking racist piece of shit.

Have my made my opinions on that festering anal wart clear?  He should face a lifetime at the Ft. Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks for the absolute catastrophe that was the Afghanistan pullout.  And he should face hanging by the neck until dead for pushing the unproven vax on the military, leading to jab injuries and death.

It's not Christian of me.  I know.  Especially right after Easter.  But his crimes are of that magnitude.  He needs to face a trial, and then he needs to hang from the neck until dead, and his body left to feed the crows.

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