Friday, April 07, 2023

The more you trust the media the less informed you are

 And that's proven by science!  Well....  yeah.

The most accurate group was conservatives, with very conservative being the best, and very liberal being the worst. It’s not even close. Liberals have no idea what the truth is, and they believe the very worst to be the case.

Yesterday the organization released more data from their study, in order to explain why that is the case. Their findings were equally interesting because they give a very strong clue regarding what is driving that disparity.

And it’s exactly what you think: the greater the education you have and the higher the trust in the news media the less likely you are to have a grasp of reality.

Education + Trust in MSM=ignorance.

Having to deal with my socialist relatives, I can absolutely agree with the findings.  And having had to deal with college educated people for decades now, I can say with absolute certainty that having an education doesn't make you smarter, wiser, or more intelligent.  It just makes you credentialed.  

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