Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Demonic Possession and Oppression

I first heard about demonic oppression years ago from Ann Barnhardt.  Simply, it is a human being that is in cooperation with a demon rather than being possessed against the person's will.  It's far more common that demonic possession.  In any case, I think it could explain quite a bit of the behavior coming out of Washington D.C..  And of the Vatican.  And there's at least on psychiatrist that agrees with me.

In a book he says is aimed at the well-educated with an interest in the subject, accomplished psychiatrist and professor, Dr. Richard Gallagher, delivers compelling findings from his decadeslong career to make a compelling case that demons and demonic possession are real phenomena.

For many Christians, Gallagher’s findings presented in his 272-page book, Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormalfirst published in the fall of 2020, could simply be treated as an acknowledgment of what the Bible has been telling them for centuries.

“In my experience, the idea of demonic possession is so controversial and so often misunderstood that I want at the outset to establish some scholarly plausibility to the notion along with my bona fides,” the board-certified psychiatrist, who serves as professor of psychiatry at New York Medical and a psychoanalyst on the faculty of Columbia University, begins in the introduction of his book.

To me, the fact of demonic existence is one of both faith and logic.  The faith question is this:  Do you believe in God?  Yes, I do.  Do you believe in angels?  Well, scripture describes them quite clearly, so if I believe in God, then I must also believe in angels.  

The logical portion comes in here.  If I believe in God and his angels, then I must also believe in Satan and his demons, because both of them are clearly described in scripture.  And if God and his angels are working on earth through people, as I believe they are and as the Catholic church recognizes in the saints, then Satan and his demons are also here on earth working through people.  And even if you don't go with the whole "saints" thing in your religion, you still have to admit that God and his angels, as well as Satan and his demons, are both described in scripture and are both real.  Jesus was casting out demons from people as he walked around.  One of the things the Apostles did after Jesus ascended to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles, was cast out evil spirts from people.

So, if on a personal level you believe in God and his angels, then at some level you must also believe in Satan and his demons.  And if they exist, that means that they're doing what scriptures say they do, which is possess and oppress people.

God exists.  And so does the enemy.  Angels work among us.  So do demons.  Tell me, why else would you have so many people shrieking for the murder of innocent babies in the womb if it weren't for demons working towards that goal?

Why else would so many people in the government demand that you get the clot shot?

I'm not saying they're possessed.  Even Gallagher admits that possession is extremely rare.  But oppression?  Working with a demon of your own free will?  What else would someone who's working with a demon do?

Have sex with little kids?

Smoke crack and get his dick sucked by a Chinese teenage hooker?

Sell out his country for money?  That might just be greed, but greed is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason.

Constantly push for murdering babies in the womb while your husband is getting high and banging gay prostitutes?

At some point the depth of human evil reaches rock bottom, yet people still keep going further.  And I believe there are supernatural reason for that.

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