Monday, June 27, 2022

Lloyd Austin is a pathetic piece of shit who needs to get fired.

 He should have never been SecDef in the first place.

‘It comes as no surprise that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has issued a statement all but condemning Friday’s overturn of Roe — by pledging that the United States military “be all that it can be” [sarcasm] and will do all it can in support of “seamless access to reproductive health care [on-demand abortion].”

What is a bit of a surprise — Austin’s apparent ignorance of federal law — is laughable.

Austin's ignorance of federal law isn't a surprise.  Austin has always been a worthless dumb-assed piece of shit.  "Oh but Dave, he was a four-star general!"  Yeah, he was.  An Obama general.  He was a politician, which means that his success was based on who's ass he kissed, not any real skill or knowledge.  There's not a single command of his that stands out as anything but mediocre, and most of the time he left things worse than he found them.  He failed up because he knew who's dick to suck.

I mean, do you really need any more proof that Austin is a boot-licking piece of shit toady other than the fact that Biden's puppet masters (Obama and company) picked him as SecDef?  You do?  OK, I'll give you one more example:  Afghanistan.  The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a colossal fuck-up, the kind of fuck up that should have gotten people thrown in jail.  And it was entirely avoidable.  A brand-new 2LT out of boot could have run that better than all those supposed "experts".  The crap cherry on that shit sundae was the drone strike that killed innocent civilians, including seven children, that the DOD first crowed about as a master strike against a terrorist.  Yeah, how'd that turn out?  It was fuckup after fuckup after fuckup after fuckup that led to BILLIONS that's BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of US equipment being left in the Taliban's hands.  To include NODs.  Night Optical Devices.  If a battalion commander were to lose a single set of NODs in the field his career is pretty much over.  But did anyone even get fired for leaving thousands of NODs to the Taliban?  No.  And you can be damn sure those NODs are now in Chinese hands, and Russian hands, and Iranian hands, because that fucking piece of shit Lloyd Austin LET IT HAPPEN.

He should have been fired a long time ago.  But because he's a political shitbag who sucks the right cock, he gets to play Stepin Fetchit for Biden's puppet masters in the DoD.  If he had any integrity he would have resigned, but he doesn't even know what integrity looks like.  

So now he wants to inject the DoD into politics due to the overturning of Roe.  Again, not a shock.  This fucking bag of shit got where he was due to his politics.  It's his natural environment.  But when the GOP takes back the House, they should remove his waiver to be SecDef and boot his ass out of there.  The DoD has taken a hard turn for the worse under Austin's so-called "leadership", which is what has happened in pretty much every command he's ever had.  He should have never been SecDef, and leaving him in position will only ensure further failure down the road.

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