Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit too


If you've read this blog for any period of time, you know that I am no fan of the Devil's Lettuce.  However, blaming marijuana for heart attacks is pretty much the definition of blithering bullshit.  Weed might do a lot of things, but random cardiac problems is not one of them.

This is like the ad on a bus in Britain talking about how children can have strokes just like adults.  Uh, no they can't.  The incident of strokes in kids is so vanishingly rare that it is effectively zero, and the kids who do have strokes have underlying health problems.  Kids don't just randomly have strokes, unless you've injected them with an experimental drug that produces a spike protein that scrambles their system and causes clots to form that lead to strokes.

Just like people who smoke pot don't have random heart attacks unless you've injected them with an experimental cocktail that causes heart problems.  

Be aware of the propaganda, folks.  The government and their media flunkies are pushing it non-stop.


George Mckay said...

Don't know if you follow Glenn Beck but, he had a show on last night about Fauci's lies. The bullshit they have been getting away with is staggering.

It all started in 2005 and Moderna and the Gov't own the MDNA patent jointly. Fauci and his cronies have paid for gain of function research through third parties for years and Fraudci's lies to Congress are punishable by jail and fines right?

Glenn got into extreme detail and had documents to back up EVERYTHING he said. The fucking leftists - you know the commie rat bastids have been dealing with China and he could not "prove" that China deliberately caused the virus to initially spread I have no problem with believing that at all.

Fauci belongs in jail at the very least and perhaps spread with honey and tied down to a large anthill would be better.

Ragin' Dave said...

I do follow Beck, but I can't say I watch his show. I know mini-Mengele has been exposed as a liar time and time again, and that his track record of utter and complete failure of actually doing his job could only be rewarded in the government.