Saturday, November 20, 2021

This is some scary shit

 From Alex Berenson.

Tell me again how the jab will save your life?


Adrienne said...

Sorry about your comment lurking in my pending file for so long. I've finally reached the point of thinking I may live to fight another day. This meme I was fed of "a few days of discomfort" was grade A fake news. I was miserable for a week - and that with a dangerously high pain threshold.

Mike Adams has an update re: cancer and the jab. Haven't had time to research fully, but with my (limited) medical knowledge, it sounds very credible.

Mike-SMO said...

Things being what they are or seem to be, the push for vaccination probably means that some lowlife has found a way to skim the costs of the process, so requiring that everyone get the shot increases the take. Death and desolation don't enter their calculations, which is why there are Democratic urban ghettoes with a high murder rate. That is the cost of the "skim". Just business.

Ragin' Dave said...

Mike, the big issue is that the vaccines stop working, if they ever worked at all. The fact that big pharma makes a shit ton of money off of the boosters is secondary to the fact that the vaccines don't actually give you immunity. This is a scandal, but everybody keeps playing along. I wonder how many people are playing along because to admit they got duped would hurt their ego so much, and make them realize that they aren't really that smart.