Monday, June 14, 2021

The America-hating Democrats commit another crime against Americans

 Specifically, they're taking away the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office.

According to the AP, VOICE is to be replaced by the newly created Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL). VESL’s focus is to provide “methods for people to report abuse and mistreatment in immigration detention centers and a notification system for lawyers and others with a vested interest in immigration cases.”

In other words, instead of VOICE focusing on support for the victims of illegal aliens, VESL will now support the illegal aliens themselves.

Did I expect the Democrats to do anything different?  No, not really.  Democrats hate America, they hate Americans, and they're trying to import a whole new group of voters since Americans won't bow down the way the Democrats want them to do.  I guess this is more just documentation, another tick in the ledger to be paid back in full when the time comes.

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