Tuesday, May 04, 2021

If this is what the CIA is putting out as a recruiting video, they're finished as a serious agency

 The only thing that this "cisgender millennial with generalized anxiety disorder" is a threat to is the law-abiding citizens of the USA.

People who address themselves in the third person are all sorts of stable.

The CIA has a specific type of employee it's trying to recruit: Woke Millennial Basket-cases who hate normies and want revenge on them.

Gee, I wonder why they'd be interested in that type of mental case with a grudge.

I wonder what enemies and illegal combatants they're currently plotting against.

When you announce yourself as "intersectional" and go down the intersectional box checking list, but then claim that your life is not a box checking exercise?  Uh, honey, that's all you are, and you just announced it to the world.

As Don Jr. puts it:  China and Russia love the new CIA.

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