Saturday, March 14, 2020

So it's a National Emergency

Because of the Wuhan virus.  By the way, every time you mention the Wuhan virus, make sure you call it by its proper name:  Wuhan virus.  Apparently, the Left is now claiming that calling it the Wuhan virus or Chinese coronavirus is racist.  Because in the twisted, drug-addled brain of a Leftists, naming something after where it first appeared is racist.  But that's life when you mainline Marxism with your meth, I guess.  So I'm going to call it the Wuhan virus from now on.  "Coronavirus" is a name for a family of viruses we've been dealing with for millennia now, and Covid-19 doesn't piss off enough Leftists.

Wuhan Flu.

Wuhan virus.

Wuhan coronavirus.

Chinese coronavirus.

Take your pick.  Use 'em all at once for multiple head-popping effect!  Call it the Wuhan Kung-Flu and see who's head spins off in outrage.  Then you'll know who you can trigger in a crowd.

By the way, when Trump blasts the CDC for their Soviet-style control on the Wuhan Flu test, he wasn't wrong.

The media continues to be a toxic dumpster fire of Leftist, Marxist propaganda run by walking pieces of human garbage.  Yes, I know I harp on this a lot.  But dammit, these people are absolute tools of both China and the DNC, and I'm going to scream back at them in the only way I can.


Adrienne said...

I prefer Wuflu. Quick and simple.

p2 said...

People have lost their damn minds. I wandered into the local sportsman's whorehouse yesterday....surprise, surprise, there wasn't an AK or AR on the shelf. Nor were there ANY boxes of ammo for either. This in a place that has had far more of both than needed to stave off an invasion. This is a circus of the highest order.

Ragin' Dave said...

Dude, our local Costcos are out of TP. All of it. Warehouses full of TP, just gone. Bare shelves. What the hell?

My wife says it's because every time they hear about the Wuhan Kung-Flu they shit themselves, and have to wipe all over again.

Adrienne - I love it. WuFlu. I'm taking that to work and making it go viral. (HAH! GET IT? GET IT? GOING VIRal….. oh... yeah. OK. You got it.)

Deserttrek said...

My stores are running out of all kinds of goods. Now with schools closed for 3 weeks, lunch stuff is disappearing. The peanut butter section was almost bare, tuna and sardines almost bare.
We are getting played.
Massive intervention is not a fix. If this was hussein obama and not Trump I would be worried about civil rights, but I still am.

i believe this is a conscious effort by china to destroy the west and make us the economic vassal