Tuesday, December 11, 2018

It's stuff like this that makes me want to burn down every government office

The US Government doesn't work for you.  Do you think it works for you?  Nah, it works for the unaccountable elitists who want to replace you with people who are more controllable.  Which is why shit like this keeps happening.

The retired assistant case manager, Craig McNees, was in charge of vetting food-stamp applicants in north Florida and Indiana in the ’80s and says the program was infested with fraud and corruption that was perpetually ignored by management. “Illegals would come in by the vanload and we were told to give them their stuff,” McNees said. “Management knew very well they were illegal. It was so rampant that some employees would tell their illegal relatives to come get food stamps.” 

McNees contacted Judicial Watch after reading documents obtained by JW from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) detailing how the agency is working with the Mexican government to promote participation by illegal aliens in the U.S. food stamp program. The effort includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA ensuring that Mexicans in the U.S. don’t need to declare their immigration status to get financial assistance from Uncle Sam.
Can anybody give me ONE GOOD REASON why the US Government should be printing a pamphlet in Spanish instructing illegal aliens on how to get more money from a country they invaded illegally?  Anyone?  Anyone?

The retired case worker who contacted JW says in the three years he worked in a Sarasota food-stamp office, he found more than 500 cases of fraud but management ignored them all instead pushing a yearly quota. “They just said that if we don’t give out as many as last year, we don’t get our money,” McNees said. “It was crazy, like a three-ring circus; like the inmates were running the asylum.” 
Decades later it seems little has changed as Obama promotes the program like there’s no tomorrow. In fact, last summer a federal audit revealed that many who don’t qualify for food stamps receive them under a special “broad-based” eligibility program that disregards income and asset requirements. That means American taxpayers are getting stuck with a multi-million-dollar tab to feed hundreds of thousands who can well afford to feed themselves. 
Adding insult to injury, last spring the USDA Inspector General revealed that many food-stamp recipients use their welfare benefit to buy drugs, weapons and other contraband from unscrupulous vendors. Some trade food stamps for reduced amounts of cash, the USDA watchdog told Congress, disclosing that the fraud has cost taxpayers nearly $200 million. None of this surprises McNees, who claims he witnessed so much fraud as a food-stamp case worker that he “could write a book.”
It's long past time to stop handing out money to people.  It doesn't work.  It hasn't done a damn thing to lift people out of poverty.  The "War On Poverty" started decades ago and has cost billions upon billions of dollars, but we still have the same problems with poverty that we've always had - some people are going to remain in poverty no matter what you give them, no matter how much money you hand them, no matter how many free goodies they receive, they will remain in poverty because they refuse to do anything to lift themselves out of poverty.

By the by, I got to that link from this one, which lists out why Illegal Aliens are committing crimes every day that they're in the country.  Go read it.  Read it all, and get pissed off.  More. 

Illegal Aliens cost society far more than any government agency is going to admit.  Why then won't they do the slightest thing to prevent illegal aliens from coming into the country?  Ponder on that question for a bit.


Drumwaster said...

I agree. Add to that any interaction with the Federal Government. If you are subpoenaed and need a translator, one can be provided, but not when you are coming to ask for aid. Trump could do this with an Executive Order, requiring all interaction with the Federal Government be through the relevant nation's representatives (to arrange for a translator), or in English.

And most especially, to VOTE. The printing of ballot and election paperwork should only be in English, since only citizens are permitted, and one of the prerequisites for foreign citizenship is the ability to speak, read and write English. Period.

Ragin' Dave said...

Yep. I used to wonder why we printed ballots in thirty-two ore more different languages. Then I observed the voter fraud in this country, and stopped wondering.