Friday, June 19, 2015

The Pope's environmental crusade

Is a cause that hurts the people he claims to care about most:  The Poor.

Energy costs consume a substantial portion of the budgets of lower-income Americans. This simple chart tells the story: while energy costs account for only 7% of expenditures by those who earn over $50,000 per year, those making less than $30,000 pay an astonishing 23% of their after-tax income for energy.

I wish I could claim I was shocked, but I'm not, because I actually bother to read economic news instead of just blathering on in Marxist-fueled pipe dreams like the Pope does.  Folks, this particular pope, Francis, is a Marxist first and foremost.  You can see it in his attacks on Capitalism, the one force that has helped more of the poor than anything else in the world.  You can see it in the way he inserts himself into every marxist cause of this century (and the last), rather than focusing on the real, actual mission of the Church, which would be the saving of souls.

If you're Catholic, I'm begging you to find a traditional Latin Mass in your area and start attending that instead of the Novus Ordo caricature of a religious celebration.  Do it not just because you're missing out on an authentic religious ceremony, a beautiful celebration that has been stripped from you by modernists and other enemies inside the Church, but do it because Pope Francis hates the Latin Mass with a passion.  Because the Latin Mass isn't about "the ecology" or being against Capitalism or any of the other Marxist shibboleths that Francis espouses instead of focusing on his actual job.  The Latin Mass is focused on Jesus Christ, not the popular political movement of the day, or whatever Leftist bullshit is being tossed around.

And I think that's really why Frank hates it.  Because his focus is not on Jesus Christ, his focus is on this world and his ideology.  And he doesn't want to be reminded of that.

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