Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fuck Yeah!

Fucking fuck yeah!  Damn, but I'm proud to be from Idaho!

Businesses small and large are the backbone of Idaho’s economy. They employ our citizens, who in turn can provide for their families. Businesses and individuals also pay reasonable taxes that enable State and local governments to provide such essential services as public schools and public safety. And make no mistake: Any business that doesn’t pass along its operating costs to consumers – including their tax bills – doesn’t stay in business for long.
            Of course, Oregon businesses can choose to accept their higher tax burden, and many will. After all, I understand that the quality of life over there is pretty good. But they have nothing on Idaho in that regard.
            For those Oregon businesses facing a decision about whether to lay off employees or close their doors entirely, I have a proposal: Move to Idaho. The Tax Foundation rates our corporate tax burden at 17th in the nation, compared to Oregon’s ranking of 31st.   Our individual tax burden is lower, too. Those kinds of numbers can make a real difference to a bottom line.

Of course, by inviting Oregon businesses, you invite some of the Oregon loony nutcases who elected their Socialist government in the first place.

Any conservative Oregonians want to move on over to counterbalance that?  DANE - you feel like moving East?  Rivrdog - My dad can hook you up with a great marina that he docks the Hololani at.

Let's talk!

And thanks to Phil for the heads up!

1 comment:

Buzz said...

Idaho is looking better every day, but like your Montana neighbors, you ARE getting flooded with the loony socialists that will do nothing but ruin the place.
Of course, we're all fracked with an avowed socialist in the white house, so I'm not sure ANY state is safe at this point.