Monday, March 12, 2007

I've said for a while

That the "fringe" Left wasn't the fringe at all, but instead the heart and soul of today's modern Leftists. The so-called "moderate" Democrat has no place in today's Democrat American Communist party, as the Democrat American Communist Party isn't moderate in any fashion.

This only reinforces my point.

Refusing to debate because it's on Fox? That, my friends, is insanity on such a large scale that I scarcely know where to being. The Left has insulated themselves from any different points of view that anything interfering with their self-imposed echo chamber cannot be tolerated. I'm going to add onto Phil's comment here:

The simple fact was that the leftist bloggers, who turned their BDS syndrome knobs to 11 when news of the agreement first broke, know that their candidates could not stand and deliver answers to questions that were not delivered by faithful minions of the left leaning media stooges.

The Democrats American Communist Party knows that the only position they take is the one that will garner them the most power over this country, whether that position be pro-war, anti-war, or on their knees giving a knob-job the Kostards. They don't want to debate right now, because they don't want to be held to their lack of conviction on current issues. As Phil states, they know that they cannot stand up to real questions, so they avoid them.

Just don't forget this in a year. We need to throw this in their faces every chance we get.

UPDATE: BWAAAHAAA HAAAAAAA! (snort, wheeze, gasp, choke)

Memo to Democrats: When Dennis Kucinich has to scold you for lacking
courage, you need a serious search-and-rescue for your party's stones.

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