Tuesday, September 05, 2006

If I weren't already sick

Then this would make me so. Anyone hear anything about Darfur anymore? Nah. It's not something that the media can blame on Bush, so they're not going to bother mentioning it.

I am literally aghast that people treat the UN or any of it's departments as a legitimate entity. I am stunned that there are people who think that any "peacekeepers" from any African country will actually keep the peace. And I am amazed that there are adults who think that we can somehow stop this genocide without direct military intervention. And yes, that means going into an African country and shooting Africans. Let's be blunt, shall we? The only way you're going to stop the murder and rape that is happening right now in Darfur is to go in there and physically stop the people doing the killing and raping. And that means killing those people, because they're not going to simply stop with a "Pretty please". These are not civilized humans. They're animals. They're barbarians. You cannot tell me that anyone who takes part in the systematic rape and destruction of hundreds of thousands of people is civilized in any sense of the word. The head monster of Sudan has already stated:

"[a]ny state that sponsors this draft resolution [authorizing UN peacekeeping troops in Darfur] will be regarded as assuming a hostile attitude against the Sudan."

Fine. Chalk me up as assuming a hostile attitude against the Sudan. In fact, chalk me up as assuming a hostile attitude towards most of Africa right now.

I have only heard two courses of action that make sense in Africa. One is to simply pull out and leave. Let them sink or swim on their own. That's the theory espoused by Kim du Toit, who grew up in South Africa and knows firsthand just how screwed up the continent can be. The other option is to simply re-colonize the entire place and force these people to live in the 21st century. You know, the century where you do not hack off a woman's breasts to ensure that she can't breastfeed any children.

But I'll tell you one thing - I am through pretending that these people are even remotely civilized. We need to drop that idea right now. Just because we can travel the world and visit places previously unheard of a century ago doesn't mean that the people in the places we visit are in any way, shape or form civilized. And so we have a choice - rip those people from their cesspool of barbarity, or leave them alone and close them off until they either civilize themselves or die.

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