Monday, June 14, 2004

Re: Wonkette

I read with interest the piece from Tiny Little Lies posted by Dave below in tearing into Wonkette for her smarm re: Reagan.

I found this part to be most compelling:

I suppose Wonkette is a harbinger of things to come. Two years ago, only web nerds read blogs, and we were ridiculed by a somewhat nervous mainstream press. Then we acquired a sort of cachet. And Wonkette's boss decided to buy his way in. She had instant publicity and therefore instant traffic, and her site looked enough like a blog to fool the stupid. Well, it worked, so now we should probably brace for a tide of similar prefab syntho-bloggers.
[It's] all over with. We've been discovered. We're like the people back in 1990 who started thinking South Beach might be a cool, inexpensive place to open restaurants.

Now any opportunistic corporate moron who wants a piece of the Blogosphere pie can buy it. Look for new Wonkettes, popping up like spots of mold on a loaf of bread you've kept too long. And look for your own piece of the pie to shrink. Unless you, too, can afford a publicist and land advertisers with real money. And you can't. And because of the pressure we're going to face from these new, Monkees-like, greenhouse-grown wannabes, you probably never will be able to do those things.

I don't know what's worse. How Wonkette got here, or what she's doing now that she has arrived.

Maybe it is the rise of the corporate blog that makes blogrolling even more important - one can help separate the Spirit of Individuality wheat from the "prefab syntho-blogger" chaff.

As time permits, I plant to make the blogroll a bit more prominent here. I also plan to sanitize it. Starting ten minutes ago.

1 comment:

DANEgerus said...

Doubts have been cast that the whole "Washingtonienne" thing wasn't a 'setup' for publicity.

Nerd-Guys are way too impressed with gender (F) blogs... I think Mrs. DuToit and RachelLucas can hand me my ass online and that's great... but really... Nerd-guy syndrome sees Wonkette as way more then she offers 'Textually'.