Sorry for the absence. I must admit I got a little bored with tearing apart liberal arguments and ideology. I needed a breather. *SIGH* That's better. The book!
I watched this play out on TV, but Bill does such a good job elaborating on even the smallest news stories and putting the facts together, that I consider this a must read. Remember the "stolen" ballots in Volusia County? Who knew that that it started with some stupid fuckin' donks accusation against an innocent woman because of her overnight bag and ended with the police traumatizing her mentally challenged brother? Better yet! Remember all those people in the Florida pan handle that went home because they called the state for Gore before the polls closed in that region!?!? The donk's media ass-muppets served them well! How about Boise. Remember that asshole? Remember how all his venomous lies and exaggerations still netted him only 2 of 9 Supreme Court Justices that saw no equal protection problems with the constantly changing standards of the hand recounts? Come one. Come all. Take a trip down memory lane. It never hurts to remind one's self how a desperate pathetic asshole drug the country through insanity and beyond, discounted the ballots of our military men and women, dimpled chads, and put the nation dead last in his concentric circles of Goreness in his scorched earth attempt to steal the Presidency of the United States from George W. Bush! Fuck you Al! :D
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