Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Yet another reason to boot the United Nations of Perverts, Terrorists and Criminals

 The UN says sex with minors is OK.  Hey, all that child rape by US "peacekeepers"?  It was just rape-rape, as Whoopie Goldberg would say!

International legal “experts” — backed by the United Nations — have released a report stating sex with minors is perfectly acceptable.

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” according to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). You can read that part for yourself on page 12.

This has been the left's plan all along.  This is why Drag Queen Story Hour features men allowing children to crawl all over them.  This is why the Left has no problem with 12 year old drag queen strippers performing for men in a strip club.  This is why they love to see little children twerking during a pride parade.

They want to fuck little kids.

The grotesque push from the far-left to normalize sex with kids isn’t new, and having an international clique of legal wizards push the agenda is shocking and yet expectable.

Speaking of which, why can’t we see Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? Maybe because it contains the names of global “elite” pedos, some of whom may be behind the vile legal “recommendations.

Isn't it amazing that they can track down a guy who put out documents on a Discord server, but for some reason we can't seem to see who was on Jeffery Epstein's client list?  Huh.  It's almost as if they want to protect all the rich and powerful people out there who like to fuck little kids.

These people, and the people who are protecting Epstein's clients, need to be hung from lamp-posts until dead, and their bodies left to feed the crows.

I'm also OK with public firing squads and mass unmarked graves when it comes to the UN goons.

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

Move the UN from NYC to Hati. They should be welcome there since they have done so much for Hati. Then make Hilary the UN ambassador.