Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Biden junta tries to cover up how badly the fucked up in Afghanistan

 Of course, they tried blaming Trump.  Nobody with a brain believes them.  Oh, the usual kool-aide guzzling morons and drones will parrot the official line, but anyone who simply watched what was happening on TV knows the "But TRUMP!" claim is a lie.

So they just block the flow of information.

The Biden Administration is not the only one with jurisdiction on investigating what happened. For more than two decades there has been a SIGAR (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction) tasked with trying to ferret out all the corruption. Needless to say their reports have been largely ignored, but they have been tracking things as they happened.

Well, the Biden Administration has shut down all the information flow to SIGAR, and the Inspector General is pissed.

The Afghanistan debacle has been a monumental shitshow for years.  When Obama surrendered and ran away in Iraq, I said that we should have kept our forces in Iraq, where the country was stable and we had good relations with the people there, and left Afghanistan, which is a basket case at the best of times.

But because Obama hates America and wanted to cause the most damage, he dropped everything in Iraq and an away like a pathetic little bitch, thus creating ISIS.  Which Trump had to deal with.

Anyways, back to Obama's little puppet in the White House.  Now that Joe the Drooling hand puppet and his puppet masters have figured out that nobody believes their lies about the Afghanistan withdrawal, they've just shut down information in the hopes that they can get people to forget about it.  Kinda like how the FBI and the TBI refuse to release the tranny school shooter's manifesto.  "OH GOSH DON'T LOOK AT THAT!  LOOK OVER HERE!"

The entire Biden administration should be locked up.  Or hung from lamp-posts.


George Mckay said...

You already know my thoughts on Bidet. He and his ENTIRE administration should be tried, convicted and either jailed for life or executed by the most painful method available.

No sympathy for any of them. I am so worried about the fate of my beloved Republic. Even a nation as strong as ours is not absolute and permanent. It must be renewed from time to time by the blood of patriots and that is what I fear might be required.

Do any of our citizens have the gumption and balls to do that? Not enough I fear and that is a sad thing indeed. We had such a great thing going and fucking commie rat bastards are destroying it piece by piece.

Oh, don't forget Soros and his spawn....and all the other commies like Gates, Bezos and Klaus Schwab....damn there are so many. We need lots of ammo.

Drumwaster said...

"The entire Biden administration should be locked up. Or hung from lamp-posts."

Why not both? I mean, you can't really do them at the same time, but a few years (shall we say) "getting their rectal entrances widened through non surgical means", followed by the application to nearby lamp posts/telephone poles, would be a nice instance of pour encourager les autres.

The Tree grows thirsty.

Ragin' Dave said...

Drum, I like the way you think.