Monday, November 21, 2022

Enough of this bullshit

 Parents, either speak up or be damned as cowardly shitbags who refuse to fight for your kids.

A Washington State high school student who, as a male, ranked 72nd in boys’ track, vaulted up to the number-one spot as a female following gender transition.

Enough is enough.  This bullshit is harming actual girls and women.  Oh, and if there's any feminists out there who actually care about women and who aren't just a bunch of Marxist man-hating screeching harpies?  You might want to actually say something about this as well.  Of course we know you won't, because feminism is all about left-leaning politics and not at all about actually helping women.

Transgenderism is MENTAL ILLNESS.  Stop enabling the mentally ill to advance their illness into society.  The proper response is compassionate therapy and care, NOT encouragement.

1 comment:

Justin_O_Guy said...

Transgenderism is MENTAL ILLNESS
In This case, was that kid Not fitting in? Was He a Jock, looked up to by the other kids? Weren't The Girls interested in him? Or was he a loser on the social scene?
What I'm trying to figure out is, was he doing okay socially, heterosexual, and decided that he would rather be able to stand on the podium and get the awards and accolades that would get him..
And that was So important to him that he would give up a normal life to be able to pretend he's winning at track..
Sick, no matter what the motivation. I'm just curious.
I hope everyone in that school goes out of their way to make his life suck.