Friday, April 22, 2022

Why yes, even libraries are political

 Kinda like a predator goes to where the prey is, Marxist pedo-loving perverts gravitate to where the children are.

A large organization that drives the training of U.S. librarians and their use of public funds has chosen a self-described “Marxist lesbian” as its next president amid growing concern about libraries actively connecting children to sexually explicit activities and materials.

Emily Drabinski was elected president of the American Library Association last week by the organization’s members. She will take office in July 2023.

I can't think of the last time I was in a library.  Back when I was a kid I would tear through their sci-fi section.  The Fantasy section didn't have the swords and sorcery that I liked to read.  Most of the books there might have been fine for a spinster's book club, but not for a teen-age boy with a hyperactive imagination.

These days I'd have to inspect every damn book that came home with my kid to make sure he wasn't being handed some pedo porn.

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