Thursday, April 21, 2022

The cheating is coming

 And we all know it.

It’s plain for all to see that Biden’s puppet masters and the Democrats in Congress don’t have any ideas that will cause a major course correction before the midterms. That can only mean one thing: the shadowy shenanigans that Democrats are known for will probably be worse than ever this year.

If they can get away with it, that is.

You can also count on the fact that Chinese money is going to be pouring in for the Democrats.  There are some GOP traitors who are Chinese dogs, but damn near every Democrat supports ideas and causes that hurt America and thus strengthen China.  Plus, China owns Drooling Joe entirely, and having the GOP take control of Congress would put the brakes on Drooling Joe giving China what they want.

Of course, given that the political establishment has already shown they're perfectly fine with fraudulent elections, don't expect anything to come from the Federal Level.  Hell, the blue states are fine with it as well.  You have to deal with this at the local level.

Personally, I'd be fine with shooting the cheaters, but apparently there are laws against that sort of shit.  Maybe that's why the National Socialist Democrat Workers Party passed that anti-lynching bill.  Because what they plan to do would get them lynched.  And rightly so.


Anonymous said...

Tried to post on Farcebook- it's been listed as hateful content. You bad peoples.........LOL.

Hoss said...

I guess the question is, how do we stop them?

Ragin' Dave said...

Gotta do it locally. Poll watching. Volunteering. Film everything that seems suspicious.

p2 said...

Why bother? There is plenty of clear evidence of the bullshit that went on in Nov 2020. We can cry “Foul!” until the Cubs win the Series again, they’ll just say “So? We’re in charge. Suck it up, chicken butt!” It’s makes not one whit of difference. The system must be allowed to fail from within or, failing that, it will take absolute open revolt to change the course. The rot & corruption is so deeply entrenched at this stage trying to fix things within the constraints if the compromised judicial system is utter folly. No one is coming to save you…barterable goods & skills, food, ammo, trusted comrades. A wise man prepares…

Ragin' Dave said...

There's little we can do to someone in D.C. There's plenty we can do to our neighbor who's trying to cheat.