Monday, April 11, 2022

The Fredo-Cons and cuckservatives are in an uproar, so it must be good for normal people

 Call 'em what they are.

Then the perv-progs try to neutralize the attack by distracting and getting you to engage on some peripheral issue. “The Qanon people are behind the child abuse conspiracy theory!” We’re supposed to respond “But we don’t like Q” and “This is not a conspiracy theory.” Except the smartest among us will not engage, except to mock. That’s why when they try this pivot, instead of observing that the last time anyone heard of Q gas was under $6 a gallon, hardcore cons just respond “OK, groomer.”

There's no good reason for any adult to talk to a kindergarten student about sex.  None.  Sorry, nope, ain't buying any excuses.  There's no good reason for a first-grade teacher to talk to their students about their sex lives, or who they have sex with, or why they should cut off their penis.  The fact that the Left is reacting to the Florida bill like a vampire reacts to sunlight is all you should need to know about what these perverts, pedos and groomers want to do with your kids.

And yes, by all means, call them groomers.  IT IS WHAT THEY ARE.  Accuracy matters, ya know.

1 comment:

Glypto Dropem said...

Flak is always heaviest when you are over the target.