Saturday, March 12, 2022

Here's another "Toldya so"

 Ivermectin works.

This is a reminder that the CDC and the FDA ( and Fauci and Birx and Collins and all the rest of them) suppressed and banned Ivermectin in order to force the America people into taking deadly mRNA vaccines that don’t stop COVID but do change your DNA.

Almost the entire American medical community bent the knee to the CDC and the FDA too — which means that they failed to protect their sick patients from treatments that don’t work (COVID vaccines, Remdesivir) and failed to give them treatments that do work. Our doctors waited to treat sick patients until COVID was well advanced, and then hooked them up to useless ventilators and useless drugs until they died — because our doctors and our hospitals were incentivized by the U.S. federal government to do so.

Ivermectin works and the FedGov not only denied that fact, but pushed to have that fact buried while making sure that doctors and hospitals wouldn't use ivermectin as a treatment.

That's enemy action, folks.  People died because they were refused a life-saving treatment by the Federal Government.  That was done ON PURPOSE.

Fauci needs to hang.  Everyone in the government who had a hand in pushing this lie needs to hang.

That means that we are dealing with a criminal conspiracy. The main culprits employed at the FDA and the CDC and Big Pharma must be arrested and tried for their crimes. The FDA and the CDC should both be razed to the ground. These criminals are still pushing the new vaccines on our children — though everybody on earth knows the new vaccines harm children — which tells you everything you need to know about their ethics.

Are you angry yet?

One of my acquaintances that I'm forced to associate with has already gotten all three of her teenaged sons jabbed.

Those kids are fucked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cold Anger, let's start working on building the gallows.