Tuesday, February 15, 2022

When religions bow to the state

 Dennis Prager wrote a piece that I sadly agree with all too much.

For two years, Americans have been partially or entirely deprived of fundamental freedoms -- of assembly, speech, religious liberty, making a living, a child's right to an education, access to early treatment for a potentially deadly virus, and more -- for the first time in American history. That half of America, especially its elites, has either made peace with or supported these deprivations of freedom is why many of us worry about America's future as a free society.

Even more concerning has been the reactions of America's great religions -- specifically, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons (Latter-day Saints) and Jews. The government issued irrational (as well as anti-religious and unethical) edicts and nearly every church and synagogue obeyed.

When Covid first hit, and nobody knew how bad it was going to be (despite hundreds of years of knowledge on how viruses react, but I guess we can all just toss all that learning and understanding out the door because SCIENCE or some fucking bullshit) you could be excused for stepping back and saying "Hey, yeah, we're gonna pause here until we know what we're dealing with."

But within a few months, we knew what we were dealing with.  And yet almost every religious leader bowed to the state and followed the state's orders.  For the Catholic Church, it's even worse.  Not only did the Church submit to the state, the anti-Pope told everyone to get the jab.

The jab that used aborted fetal cells in it's development.  Or that used them in the production of the jab.  For those who aren't up on Catholic theology, that is called passive participation in sin.  You didn't have the abortion, you didn't kill the baby, but you are benefiting in that sin.  Those who encourage people to passively participate in sin are committing. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN SIN.

That means that every single priest, bishop and cardinal who are telling people to get the jab are ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING IN SIN.  They are demanding that people take an injection that used aborted baby cells (specifically the kidneys), meaning that they are demanding that faithful Catholics all participate in the sin of that abortion by benefiting from it.

And so many Catholics went along with it.  Satan is gleefully laughing and rubbing his claws together right now, as the so-called leadership of the Catholic Church is deliberately leading people to hell in a handbasket.  

And tying in to THAT little nugget of truth:

So, yeah. There you go. The injections might—emphasis on might—provide some short-term protection against serious illness and death, although that benefit appears to be disappearing fast. But at what cost? The potentially permanent suppression of your immune system?

Since most healthy people aren’t even at serious risk from the disease, that seems like a high price to pay. And it may well be that, when the pandemic itself is a distant memory, those who refused the shots and came through okay will be much better off in the long run than their incessantly “vaxxed” fellow citizens.

It's amazing how holding to universal truths and principals always seems to come out in your favor, eh?

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