Saturday, February 05, 2022

And the data is coming out

 The Vaccine is the Virus. (it's a video on Rumble that I can't embed here on Blogsquat)

The DoD tried to brush off the numbers by claiming that the data from the prior FIVE YEARS is somehow inaccurate and the numbers from 2021 are actually totally fine.  Bullshit.  The guy who sent me that link is a former planner and ops guy, and his statement was he doesn't see how this is NOT an act of depopulation.  When Dr. Malone talks about how the spike protein from the non-vax goes to the OVARIES?  Folks, the so-called civilized world probably just sterilized an entire generation, and now they want to sterilize the next.

Wait until people realize exactly why they can't have grandbabies.  Of course, by then it'll be far too late, and America as we know it will be gone.

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