Sunday, January 30, 2022

So Insty posted about the Selective Service needing some volunteers

 And I haz questionz.

In order to meet the minimum requirements for serving as a Local Board Member, you must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen who registered with Selective Service, if male. Further, you must not work in law enforcement (e.g. police officer or judge), must not be an active or retired career member of the Armed Forces, Reserves, and/or National Guard, and must not have been convicted of any criminal offense.

NOT be active or retired career military?

I think I can understand the whole not wanting active military part, because those people can't really guarantee that they're going to be around when they get the call.  Uncle Sam might have something else for them to do.  Got it.  But no retired military?

Anyone wanna try to explain that one to me?  I mean, if you're going to have a board to determine who gets a deferment or exemption, wouldn't you want a guy who's actually done the job and knows what it takes?

Or maybe that's why the DON'T want retired military.  Because then not a many people would skate through.  Especially some politician's kid. 


The Old Man said...

Thinking of takin' the job just to send soibois to the Marines...

Ragin' Dave said...

And that would make the hours put in worth it right there. "Hi, my name is Destynee, and my pronouns are "they/them!" Right. Let's see how those pronouns change over boot camp, shall we?