Friday, January 07, 2022

We live in the dumbest age

 Men who claim to be women, who do not have a cervix, are being offered cervical screenings because Tranny-mania.

Gender transitioning men, who identify as female, will be invited by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service to take tests for cervical cancer – despite not having a cervix.

Further, women who identify as male will not be offered routine anti-cancer check ups for their breasts and cervix.

We are so far into an Orwellian hellhole that people are literally denying basic science and biology in favor of a mass psychosis.  Black is White, Good is Bad, Up is Down.  Words are violence, but burning down cities is peaceful.  

When the pendulum swings back, and it always swings back, the end result is going to be ungodly.  


Liam said...

The UK NHS is firmly in the grip of tranny mania, along with every single other piece of demented woke lunacy. It's an appalling organisation. If you want to know where the deep sickness of "gender ideology" comes from, look up the repulsive, satanic, child mutilating paedophile who created it decades ago, an unspeakable pervert called "Doctor" John Money. You'll need a strong stomach though.

Ragin' Dave said...

I've actually read about him. He's the one who did the "John/Joan" experiment on the twins and screwed them up for life, then lied about it in order to validate his own research. Also defended pedophilia. The guy was a perverted creep.