Saturday, January 08, 2022

Up and out early again today

 Y'all know why.  

Once I retire, if I have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn and put in an 18 hour day, it'll be because I'm getting rich.


p2 said...

Oh, you poor, deluded soul….. I’ve worked far harder, far longer days, for way less job satisfaction and for far less appreciative bosses since I retired than I ever did while I was on active duty. My job now, after 20 years of civilian employment, is 26 days a month; 16 of which are 8 night, 7 day stretches of 24 hr on call coverage. I’m just glad I’m looking full on retirement square in tge eyes.

Ragin' Dave said...

Yeah, but you get to live where you want and do what you want on your time off. Plus, I'm making damn sure that the first job I get out of the military doesn't require me to be responsible for a single damn person.

Francis Baconator said...

Because I don't hate you and I think you could always use a good laugh and a break from the news, I want to recommend you put "Drybar" and "Robert Mac" into YouTube and enjoy a good old fashioned laugh.