Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Trying something new

 So, I've been blogging here at ye ollde bloggage for um...  let me check, carry the one, ohholyshiteighteenyears.

That's a lot of mental stew tossed into the intertubes.  Some of it was good, most of it was dreck.  But it got me thinking.  I obviously love to write.  Why not actually try my hand at writing?  I don't know if my writing style here would actually translate to a novel, but what the hell.  With an added bonus that I can go back and spell-check what I write after I've actually had some coffee BEFORE IT'S PUBLISHED rather than going back into a post and correcting my spelling and grammar with a sheepish look on my face.

I'm thinking sci-fi.

No, I ain't planning on paying the bills with it.  I'd have to do independent publishing.  Do it me-self, as it were.  This is more of a vanity project than anything else.

I was totally not influenced by this post at Rural Revolution.  Not at all.  Completely not.  Nope.


p2 said...

Git after it....Ya just might pay the bills with it.

Francis W. Porretto said...

You're about to head into the Twilight Zone, my friend. It's a lot easier to write op-ed than decent fiction. I've been doing it since 1995 and I'm STILL not getting it quite right. Best of luck!

Ragin' Dave said...

Thanks. I highly doubt that it will be anywhere near as good as yours, but like I said this is more of a lark just to see if I can do it.