Friday, November 05, 2021

And last but not least in "The Left is a fever swamp of corruption and hatred"

 Is there anyone who's shocked that this fucking cunt was in on the whole hoax from start to finish?

Fiona’s friend and co-worker at the Brookings Institution think tank was none other than Igor Danchenko. Fiona also knew Christopher Steele. She introduced the two. And faster than you can say furious, Igor was working with Steele to make up stuff for that collection of notes and “memos” known as the Steele Dossier.

But Fiona’s friends Igor and Christopher did more than that. Igor got the “intelligence” for the “dossier” from a Hillary Clinton P.R. maven.

Just spitballing here, but I’m guessing old Fiona and her friends know the P.R. guy too.

The Deep State Swamp, in all it's glory.  They really think they're better than you, when in reality they're just the beneficiaries of a system of grift, crime and corruption that they keep alive.  Burn it all down.  Every last claim they made against Donald Trump was things that they themselves were actually doing.

2 comments: said...

Hey Dave,

I was thinking about helping you publicize your blog. Like, y'know, a billboard or something - I'll put "Go Army!" at the top since you're army.

Whaddya think?


Ragin' Dave said...

I think it would be a waste of your time and money. I have the readers I have, and I don't blog consistently enough to have a huge audience. This is mostly me just screaming into the void so that those screams don't pop out when I least want them to, and some folks managing to get either some amusement or information out of it.