Friday, October 08, 2021

The vaccine is a failure everywhere in the world

 Data from Israel and Britain was showing that the jab didn't stop anything, and the vaccinated were dying just as quickly as the un-jabbed.

Now we got data from the USA.

Whether it’s because of the Delta variant, waning antibodies, or some combination, the vaccines simply don’t provide infection (and thus transmission) protection. The only studies that show anything like 80 or 90 percent protection after a few months are those the companies have funded. Maybe they provide some protection against serious cases - hospitalizations and deaths - for longer, but we don’t know how long, and that efficacy declines too.

This is why they're so desperate to get "boosters" into people.  Because the jab doesn't last, and then people start getting sick.  Sicker, because now thanks to the jab their immune system is now compromised.

Fauci and the rest of the demented fucks need to hang for the damage they've done to America.

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