Thursday, October 07, 2021

Never ask if it can get any worse with the Biden junta

 Because it can.

More of the wonderful effects of having Joe Biden pretend to be president of the United States were revealed Wednesday, when it came to light that the Islamic State jihadi who murdered 13 American service members and numerous Afghans as well in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport in August had just been released from prison at Bagram Air Base, the center of American operations in Afghanistan until the U.S. precipitously and irresponsibly abandoned it in July.

In a sane world, Biden would be in jail, Milley would be in Ft. Leavenworth, Lloyd Austin would be in front of a firing squad, and everyone else associated with this would be lined up for their trials.

But we don't live in a sane world, do we?  No, we live in a world where anti-American shitbags get to run America into the ground, and there's not really anything that we can do about it other than prepare for the crash. 


Drumwaster said...

Remember when they were calling Trump "worse than Hitler"? We are now living in a world where we have to show our vaccination papers to shop for groceries in some places. People are being fired from their jobs for refusing. HEALTH CARE WORKERS are being fired in the middle of a {LOL} Pandemic (more of a Dem-panic, if you ask me), Democrats are literally surrendering to a bunch of 7th-century goat-fornicators, and turning them into the 26th-most powerful military on the planet, while leaving American children cowering for their lives behind enemy lines (Day 37 and still waiting), and all the media can talk about is how the House Committee to Impeach the American People and Replace Them With New Ones wanted to force Trump to exercise his Constitutional privileges and invoke Executive Immunity, rather than giving in to the witch hunt.

We are long past time for a polite Divorce. Trump forced the Left to show its cards, and they have. Those cards read "Kill Whitey" in three languages. That means war. One that will make the Civil War's death count look like a rounding error.

I've been saying it for literally decades now. 2025. Not Later Than. You Have Been Given Notice. Plan. Prepare. If the best happens and I'm wrong, then we can all take a deep breath and exhale in relief. But that would be for the best, and no one will care.

Pessimists are never wrong. They are just pleasantly surprised.

Ragin' Dave said...

I'll be out of the Army by 2025, either because I retire or because they kick me out for not getting the jab.