Monday, August 16, 2021

True to form

 Joe Biden never saw a situation that he couldn't fuck up even worse.

The most tragic thing about Joe Biden’s cascade of failures is what it reveals about the man and his leadership team as a whole. He never had the capability to anticipate the problems that now overwhelm him and still less appears to possess the capacity to improvise a solution. Reality, so long kept at bay by the media narrative, is now inside his OODA loop and pulling ahead.

Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet never had any ability, period.  You don't need to quantify anything after that, unless you're talking about his ability to always make things worse.  Watching Afghanistan crumble over the weekend while Drooling Joe took a vacation and hid from any questions, and his puppet masters out on TV just blurting out whatever random bullshit will make their media whores be quiet...  I kinda feel like this guy.

I am so sick to my stomach right now.

Another humiliating evacuation from an embassy to close out a war.

This administration makes me fucking sick.  Embarrassing as hell.

The death notifications I did for AFG KIAs, Linsey *******, married for two months to her husband Will, when he was killed on Thanksgiving Day 2010.

Josh *****, KIA in AFG June 2010, notified his wife when she was 7 months pregnant.

My best friend Durand ****** lost his leg, destroyed his face, sense of smell and taste from an IED.

Fucking piece of shit Biden.

Well, this is what happens when you allow a senile, incompetent demented crook to be installed in the Oval Office after a fraudulent election.  You get a shitshow.  Allow a clown to steal the election, and you get a circus.

I have thoughts, but they're not in any coherent form right now.  Maybe I can un-jumble them later.

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