Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Still sick to my stomach from how incompetent this government is, and has been.

 Here's a little taste of what someone who's been there is thinking about the whole mess.

I’ve spent most of my adult life at war, fighting for lost causes. I gave the decades of my youth to strive for that in which I generally believed, alongside men I loved and respected. I regret none of it, but days like today I do feel a bit old, tired, and discouraged.

For those who are wondering how we could have failed so catastrophically in Afghanistan, here’s the simple answer:

We weren’t in Afghanistan 20 years. We were in Afghanistan one year, 20 distinct times.

The bottom line is that the US Government can't hide it's incompetence any more.  There's no more Orange Man Bad to blame, although Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet tried to do so.  Actually his handlers wrote a speech that tried to do so, and he mumbled and slurred his way through that speech before walking off without taking any questions.  Because a senile dementia patient can't answer questions.  

In any case, Trump ripped the bandage off of the festering wound that is the US government's inability to do anything more than enrich itself.  And now that festering wound is open and exposed for the entire world to see.

A first step is to tell our remaining friends that the United States knows failure and rot when it sees it, and is confident enough to excise it and move forward.

We need accountability. The honorable thing to do is to resign. If not, the proper thing is for the President to fire those who advised him so horribly. If not the President, then Congress should have hearings with a pair of pliers in one hand and a blow torch in another and humiliate people in to resigning.

If neither happens, then bad on the American people for allowing a political system to function in such a way that people such as these are the ones who rise to the top of both parties.

I have absolutely no faith that anyone in the Democrat party is going to suddenly care about accountability.  None.  Zero.  There will be no firings, no resignations, and the DNC will not allow any hearings in Congress.  This zombified country will continue tottering for a few more years while parasites hollow it out even further, and then it will collapse.  And the same people in Washington D.C. will be in charge, telling the world that it's somehow Trump's fault, or Ron DeSantis' fault, or Kristi Noem's fault.  Or the fault of those icky voters.

Take a good hard look at Afghanistan.  That's our future.



You expect honor from the Left? I hope you're not serious.

Apropos nothing, my latest cartoon:

Ragin' Dave said...

Honor from the Left? I'd sooner expect my dog to cook up a batch beef stroganoff.